Ely ha detto... sono sempre pi? sbalordita!!!!! ma dove le trovi le pipette??? sono perfetti i mini cake anche noi giochiamo a carte sopratutto d'estate in compagnia di amici, scala quaranta e pinnacola :-))) baci Ely ...
Think I'm getting sick, just in time for my vacation. Blergh. Any opinions on the efficacy of getting some preemptive antibiotics going for what is clearly turning into a sinus infection? I hate taking meds, but I don't want to be miles away ..... First, it was a sinus infection, then laryngitis, now her RA is flaring up, causing mucho discomfort/pain. It seems to cycle like this ? cold/sinus problems right into RA pain. reply Login to Reply. January 4th, 2007 at 7:14 am ...